Where is Cream of Tartar in the Grocery Store?

Short answer: You will generally be able to find it in the spice aisle, or the baking aisle.

If you are having trouble finding it, it can sometimes have another name.

Some brands that sell cream of tartar will label it as tartaric acid. This name isn’t as appealing, which is why most brands call it cream of tartar.

So, where can I find cream of tartar in the grocery store?

Well, below we will list out multiple grocery stores where we see cream of tartar when we shop.

Where to Find Cream of Tartar in the Grocery Store

Below are a few grocery stores that carry cream of tartar.


In Safeway, you can find cream of tartar in the spice aisle, or the baking aisle. Here are a few types they carry:

Sprouts Farmers Market

In Safeway, you will generally find cream of tartar in the spice aisle. This is the only cream of tartar we see at our local Sprouts:

Whole Foods

In Whole Foods, you can find cream of tartar in the spice aisle, or the baking aisle. This is the only cream of tartar we see at our local Whole Foods:

Side note: If a grocery store has it’s own private label of an item they carry (example: 365 Everyday Value), that item will most likely be in all of their stores.

King Soopers / Fry’s

In King Soopers, you will generally find cream of tartar in the spice aisle. Here are a few types they carry:

cream of tartar on Amazon!

You can get it in as fast as one day.

Substitutes for Cream of Tartar

Cream of tartar is acidic, so if you’re looking to replace it, you will need an acidic counterpart.

Two options could be:

  • Lemon juice, or
  • White wine vinegar.

These usually won’t render the same taste in your recipe, but if you’re in a pinch…

What is Cream of Tartar’s Shelf Life?

If you store it correctly, cream of tartar can last indefinitely. For proper storage of your cream of tartar, keep it in a cool and dark place. Usually a kitchen cabinet will do.

Recipes to Try With Your Cream of Tartar

Here are a few recipes you can use your cream of tartar with:

In Review

Most stores carry cream of tartar and it will most likely be in your spice, or baking aisle. If you cannot find it, you can always try buying it online!

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